Of Illusions, Diamonds, and The Imago Dei…

Crises consist of many obstacles, the least of which include illusions, and deceptions. Illusions held about life, and deceptions by others, and self fiercely clung to often comprise the nets limiting awareness.

Reaching the peak of crisis, and fighting the battle that awaits requires perseverance and remaining focused on the task at hand.

Doing so generates the strength and acuity to cut through the gales of misconceptions and shatter intricate pillars supporting half-truths, and lies of omission.

To the degree these inconsistencies are destroyed the protagonist gains a depth of insight nearly parallel or akin to prophecy.

In reality their vision to does not extend into the future.

Rather they are more able to behold the events and consequences of actions that stand before them.

Climbing the summit of one’s dilemma’s and problems, meeting the physical obstacles tied to inner demons and slaying the monsters of betrayal, and self-delusions grants clearer vision, both within and around one.

Experience and knowledge sows seeds from which sprout the gifts of truth and honesty wrapped in a bow of fortitude to remain committed to what is, and not turn away, when our wishes are not immediately granted.

The difference between limited vision and the ability to see into the future lies in the willingness to acknowledge and embrace the truth of who one is, and what is taking place in the moment of one’s reality, even when crisis and fear dominate the reality of that moment.

Surviving tough times engenders the ability to stick it out, and see the job through. We learn much about ourselves when doing this.

Remaining present, though fearful, when all around us is collapsing. Not giving way to the pressures that push inward and outward.

These times crystallize into diamonds of strength and wisdom gained through experiences of feeling one’s vulnerability.

The enormous pressure pushing in upon various layers of the earth miles below the surface produces the clarity and sharpness of a diamond.

The reflection and refraction of the light within a diamond speaks to epiphany--a revelation, or recognition of one’s divine nature.

Living through crisis brings us closer to ourselves, our true nature, and into union with divinity.

Like the diamond forged miles beneath the earth’s surface, the pressure of crisis pushes us into greater union with Imago Dei, the god who lives within us–the Soul of our soul and those of all who have ever and will live after us.

Those surviving death, or near-death experiences undergo epiphany, as do those witnessing a death and/or rebirth.

Peering into the hidden truths of an old adage or axiom, and/or recognizing one’s truth connection to all of human kind open the doors for discovery of the gifts of life and the true and ultimate gift of life itself.

The anger fueling an antagonist may infect the central character, prodding her or him to grow embittered as a result of the battle they have fought.

The antidote to this, not unlike the roots of the epiphany experience lay in protagonist’s ability to claim and embrace her or his vulnerabilities and most gory of demons.

Admitting that we are human and frail, mortal and forever subject to death’s unwieldy hand takes courage and the greatest of bravery.

Those who do this ensure not only their survival, but also establish a firm base from which subsequent trials.

Protagonists may also grow arrogant after surviving the fight of their life–a battle waged for their lives, and others.

It is helpful here to remember that arrogance is but a shield for fear. And fear is always of death of which life sits at the center.

To live is to continually meet death and die, even through survival.

The greatest triumph occurs when fear is dispelled.

Until then all battles and crises lead us back to the lesson we all seek to learn or fear will we never integrate, that of survival, and that nothing really ever dies.

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