Of Knights, L-Shaped Movements Crisis and Climax…

Knight Shadows by Chris Inside.

In the game of chess, the Knight is the only piece or character on the board that can jump over another pieces even those who are friendly.

The Knight moves in a “L”-shaped pattern. The Knight does this by going 2 steps forward, or backward, horizontal or vertical and then 1 step left or right or by going 1 step north, south, east or west, and then 2 steps left or right.

The Knight can also be seen as moving 2 spaces diagonally and then horizontal or vertical to the next space.

For this reason the Knight‘s path of movement has never been well-defined.

Likewise obstruction is a challenge that the Knight easily avoids.

All the various movements a Knight can make from its position in one square create the pattern of a circle around that particular square.

This mirrors the circular pattern of a story, the development of character and evolution of awareness from the outset of a novel through the middle of a novel where tension builds and leads to Crisis and Climax then onto denouement that leads to resolution and the end where events, both external and internal, come full circle.

The Knight captures pieces of the opposing player that occupy the last space on which it lands.

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