
Of Food, Proximity, and the Need for Choice…

Interactions between mothers and daughters hold many complexities.

Every mother is someone’s daughter. And every daughter has a mother.

The nature or lack of interactions between mothers and their daughter influence and affect a minutia of interpersonal aspects for the daughter and reflect upon the many strands that connect a daughter’s mother with her mother, the grandmother.

Observing a mother and her daughter can reveal a history and lineage of interactions from the line of women connected to and whose lives had descended into the existence of a mother and her daughter.

Weight offers an additional aspect of a woman or girl’s life that sheds light onto the nature

Of Food, Proximity, and the Need for Choice… Read More »

Motion, Identification and The Inertial Frame of Reference…

“Everything moves. Everything …motion is just a manifestation of going from one spot to another spot in space. When we are trying to understand motion all of the things that we measure from have to come from an inertial frame of reference. An inertial frame of reference is a reference frame that is moving at a constant speed and not changing direction.”

–Motion and Relativity, Dr. Charles Liu, Research Associate @ the Department of Astrophysics, American Museum of Natural History

The backbone of a story, particularly an entertaining and engaging one is motion, movement from one place in conscious and consensual reality to another.

Amplifying the reader’s engagement with the internal movement of the story, the emotional thread requires clarification of setting and displaying the subtle shifts that take place and occur in perception of setting reflective of one’s internal changes.

These changes are usually transmitted, or rather shown through the eyes and physical senses of the protagonist who is also the point-of-view character.

Motion, Identification and The Inertial Frame of Reference… Read More »